Restored Gospel Podcast
Friends having casual conversation about the things of eternity. We welcome you into that conversation.
Restored Gospel Podcast
267 Priesthood Authority - Who has it, what is it? Part 1
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Matt from @MormonRescue joins us along with Mark, former LDS Bishop, as we discuss authority from the RLDS/LDS perspective. Does authority come from the person laying hands on you because someone laid hands on them that had hands laid on them back to Joseph Smith Jr.? Where did Lehi and Nephi get their "authority"? What kind of baggage has been added to this word over the last 200 years and can we step out of our culture and look at this idea that permeates our church? People refuse to speak with other people based on the curch sign on their door ,which goes back to authority. Others are banned from participating in camps and reunions based on their authority and what church they go to. In a lot of cases the major issue separating the saints is the priesthood offices they hold to. Is priesthood even a thing as we have learned to see it today?
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Music by Michael Barrett